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Dear Friends and Neighbors,

We were very excited, for the first time since our Association was created in 1954 , to launch  in 2021 our very own Coral Shores Civic Association website. In this digital era, it was about time that Coral Shores could offer an online window to the world, a new interactive channel of communications between your Civic Association and the residents beyond regular email blasts and print flyers generally used.

In addition to keeping everyone up to date on our initiatives and events for the neighborhood, we  also designed this website as a hub of  general information and resources related to our environment with useful links to City and County platforms across a wide range of topics that may impact our area.
This interactive tool will also allow you to directly share pictures and messages, allowing you to get your voice heard through polling that we will be able to conduct in real time on specific matters.

This platform is another way for us to better reach and engage a wider number of Residents with the workings and benefits of the Civic Association and should  hopefully encourage everybody to join, even with the most modest dues (min. $25 annual membership)...beyond paying dues, joining the Board or a specific committee, attending our annual meetings or one of our social events are other positive ways to be part of your immediate environment and contribute to the betterment of a Community where neighbors care and watch out for each other.

We hope that you will enjoy it and are looking forward to your ever increasing feed back and engagement with our Association.

Douglas Meade/ President and Olivier Cale/ Secretary

on behalf of the Board / Coral Shores Civic Association



Along the years, our East and West entrances have transformed: after a 2015 accident, the East entrance got rebuilt with 3 new columns. In 2016, a security camera system was installed at great expense so that still images of license plates can be captured and retrieved as evidence after any incident.

In 2020, the Board reached out to the City to discuss potential improvement options ("no parking" signage, speed bumps, green median etc...).

After we got the City to maintain our landscaping moving forward- new savings for the Association's budget-, we also worked with various Departments  to bring an additional green Median at the East entrance as well as proposals for automated arm gates at both entrances in Spring 2024...

After 2 consecutives VOTING campaigns in 2023 and 2024 resulting in an  overwhelming majority ( +60% of Residents) in favor of the initiative, we fell short of the 65% min. VOTES to move forward with the City of Fort Lauderdale for Automatic Arm gates installation. Therefore, the initiative was suspended for the time being.


  • Jan 04, 2024, 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
    Fort Lauderdale, 2000 NE 16th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304, USA
    Our General Association meeting where the Board reports on key milestones of the previous year and presents current projects & initiatives for discussion or general vote... Invited speakers for updates+ Q&A: Florida State Rep. LaMarca , Broward County Mayor Fisher and D1/ City Commissioner Herbst.
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